Traveling Smart

A real story of a real person.

Ashley travels a lot.  Like a lot.

Somewhere between 5-15 days out of each month, Ashley is traveling.  She is on a plane for work, bouncing around to meetings, taking out clients for dinner, and dealing with all of the travel temptations that every one of us knows very well.  This past Saturday, I asked Ashley what she was going to do for her “cheat meal”.  She said that she was planning on taking it easy, since she was going out of town for work on Monday, ashley travel meal prepand she KNEW that she was going to a pizza place Monday night.  So she planned on having pizza on Monday and saved her cheat meal.

In addition to thinking ahead, Ashley wanted to make sure that she was never put in a position where she wasn’t in control of her nutrition.  So, she prepped some food to take with! See her items below:

  • Some homemade trail mix
  • Some oatmeal breakfast bites (that look delicious)
  • A quest bar (because of course)
  • An apple with an individual almond butter packet
  • A meal of frozen ground turkey and veggies
  • A turkey sandwich for the plane ride

She put it all in a temperature controlled lunch bag, and she’s set up for much more success than if she went in empty handed!  Trying to find good options on chain restaurant menus or in airports usually ends in a bust.

This is how you stay on track while travelling.  This is how you do it!

Sharon Cole