Eat Wisely

See the Live by the 80% Rule by The Blue Zones Project – Eat Wisely

How often do you really pay attention to the food you eat? If you’re like most people, you probably eat lunch at your desk, enjoy dinnercropped-Hungry-woman-2 along with your favorite TV show, and snack on the go. According to research from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, you’re more likely to eat too much and consume foods that are less healthy when you do other things while you eat.

Try these tips to avoid eating on autopilot. When you eliminate distractions and take the time to really enjoy your meal, you’ll feel more satisfied with less.

  • Enjoy the taste.
  • Savor the smell.
  • Feel the texture.
  • Appreciate the satisfaction from each bite.
  • Adopt a mealtime mantra from Okinawa, Japan, one of the original Blue Zones® areas.

The Okinawians say “Hara hachi bu” before meals. This reminds them to stop eating when they’re 80% full. Saying this mantra helps you to connect with what you’re eating and gives your brain time to catch up with your stomach. That 20% of calories could be the difference between gaining weight or losing it!