Personal Training
Wellness Coaching
The Process Blog
Consultation Form
Consultation Form
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Are you familiar with PT Fitness? If so how?
Rate your current fitness level (1-10)
What is your fitness goal?
What is the time frame to achieve your goal?
Do you have a short term goal that leads you to obtaining your overall goal? If so, when do you want to achieve this goal?
How committed are you to achieving results on a scale of 1-10?
What is the payoff for achieving these goals? What is the upside or the reward for the following through on these goals?
What patterns or behaviors have prevented you from already achieving these goals?
What is the cost or negative consequences for not following through?
Why are you a good candidate for our coaching / training program?
Select preferred training frequency
2x week
3x week
4x week
5x week
Select preferred trainer
no preference
Brittany Bechtold
Nichole Coulam