PTF Team Member Feature – Sharon Cole

They told me they were going to feature the trainers, and we can say whatever we want!  So I’ve decided to share part of my story and what is speaking to me currently.

Since my early 20’s (12ish years ago), I’ve had the dream of becoming a certified yoga instructor.  Along the broken way, I have found many other paths that have been very fulfilling!  When I was given the opportunity to become a personal trainer, I did not know the impacts that it would have on my life.  Over the past [almost] 3 years training at PTF, I have learned SO much thanks to the amazing group of trainers that I have been surrounded with!  My passion for yoga translated into a passion for fitness and sharing it with others. It gave me a new outlook and opportunity to do something DIFFERENT with yoga than I had originally intended so many years ago.  It has also given me a platform to share my love for yoga with my current clients as well as continue training and teaching the clients and fitness classes that I’ve grown very attached to.  I entered my Yoga Teacher Training in February of this year (2017) with a little over 2 years of personal and group training under my belt.  After years of wishing, hoping, dreaming, etc, I was finally in the perfect place in life to go on this journey!

My yoga teacher always says “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. How true.

Yoga Teacher Training taught me so much more than I ever realized that I would learn.  I went into this program hoping to come out the other side as this badass yogi with ALL the moves and ALL the flexibility.  Yes, my physical practice deepened, and I learned the tools I needed to teach a great yoga class.  BUT the things that I value most that I learned, were within and about myself.

My most valuable piece of knowledge was learning how to speak my truth.

Not just HOW to speak my truth, but simply hearing the phrase and learning its meaning changed my entire way of thinking.  To dig deep within and uncover how to truly be the person that you want to be. I’m still working on it.  Every day I’m working on it. And that’s another lesson in itself – understanding that the “working on it” part will never end. It starts off scary, and then the more I come to terms with it, the more exciting it becomes.

I ask myself – what do I love, what do I need, who am I?

So… who am I?
I am a scatterbrained mess that loves to get organized. (Still working on it)
I love to work out, yet I find it difficult to do so consistently without accountability from classes/trainers/friends. (Still working on it)
I have a weird relationship with food due to years of not being happy with the way I look. (Still working on it)
I still have those days when I don’t like the way I look. (Still working on it)
I am so confident, and yet so incredibly insecure.
And I love all of these things about me!

And to share a little deeper-
My favorite part of training is being a real person.  I love relating to clients and sharing similar difficulties that I have in life, along with the tools and tips I’ve learned along the way.  I don’t want anyone to think I’m a superstar that only eats celery and works out twice a day.  I struggle with finding the balance between being the professional and being relatable.  I’m getting closer and closer to just being me – which I am discovering is a melting pot of both of those things fully.  Not partly professional or partly relatable, but all of both.  I love sharing my story through social media outlets, and I hope you’ll follow along as I try to figure it all out.

Entrepreneurs talk about finding the one thing you’re best at, and really putting everything you have there.  When people ask what I’m best at, I have a hard time.  Because it’s not yoga, athletics or training; it’s not drums, music or singing;  The first thing that comes to mind (however silly it sounds) isn’t necessarily a tangible “skill” at all. It’s being vulnerable, honest, kind, and having the ability to gain others’ trust and love.

This is who I am.
And I’m still working on it!