Fitting in a Healthy Breakfast

If you skip breakfast because you think you don’t have time in the morning, plan ahead.  The night before, figure out what you’ll eat, and if necessary, get up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy it.  Or pack something the night before to take with you the next morning. breakfast

Also, if you skip breakfast because you want to save calories, realize that you may be setting yourself up for failure later in the day.  Chances are you’ll be ravenous by lunchtime, which may lead you to eat more or turn to fast but unhealthy options — such as the doughnuts or cookies a co-worker brings to the office.

Your morning meal doesn’t have to mean loading up on sugar and fats, and it doesn’t have to be time-consuming to be healthy.  Keep the breakfast basics in mind and set yourself up for healthier eating all day long.